When it comes to angel baby clothes sizing we often use weeks. This is how many weeks the baby has been growing. A full term baby would be 40 weeks. While these sizes generally tell you how many weeks a baby would be that could fit these outfits they are just a generalization. Babies come in all sizes. The smallest size we can dress is about 15 weeks. And we go up to full term at 40 weeks. Babies come in all sizes and outfits can come in nearly every size as well. The smallest outfits measure about 4" long. Anything larger than that will work for some baby at some time.
16 week(small) set - with ruffles on the sleeves and on the bottom of the kimono, bauble blanket
Fabric: Most used are cotton and flannel. The main thing for fabric is that it's not too see through, scratchy, or stiff. I also like to have small patterns on any patterned fabric. And while it's not necessary, as a photographer with Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, I find it's very helpful if blankets are backed with a plain color. Some patterns are not appropriate, like skulls and crossbones or sombreros and margaritas (both have been donated at one point or another). Please use fabrics that are appropriate.
Yarn: Any soft yarn works. My favorite is the Caron Simply Soft yarn. All of my crochet patterns use this yarn. But any soft yarn works. Bernadt Baby Yarn works well. Lion Brand baby yarn works well. Soft is the main key for yarn.
Colors: Some people will say there are certain colors to stay away from when it comes to angel baby things. I tend to steer away from really bright colors - especially red, yellow, orange, and green. Overall yellow and green tend to not photograph well in color. But not everything is about photographs. Families can choose what colors/styles of outfits they want. Because everyone is unique there will be people who like colors that others don't prefer. We use a lot of white and cream colors as well as lots of pastel pinks and blues.
Hats: Hats should be stretchy - very stretchy. Head are about these sizes: A small plum, an apple, a navel orange, a grapefruit, and a normal newborn size. Hats are always needed in every size. I am a big fan of using the stockinette for hats for angel babies. They are simple and quick - and take no sewing. For pattern click HERE.
Blankets: Blankets can be used any size between 10 inches X 10 inches and 36 inches by 36 inches. Blankets with tiny or no holes are best because tiny fingers and toes get caught in them. The easiest way I've found to test if a blanket will be the right size for the outfit is to fold the blanket in quarters, then lay the outfit over the blanket. The outfits should be about the same length as the blanket folded in quarters. It's not a perfect measurement, but it generally works. Note: long lacy gowns don't really work this exact same way - but if they have long sleeves the quarter should be about the same as the distance from the end of one sleeve to the other sleeve.
Diapers: We have diaper patterns we love and use. But there are lots of diaper patterns out there. Here are the SMALL and LARGE patterns from Lily's Angel Closet. You can donate JUST diapers through Teeny Tears - their blog will give you all the info you need for donating through them.
I put each outfit into a separate ziploc baggie right after I make them. This keeps them from getting dusty if it's a while before I get them sent off or before they are used. It also helps to make sure no sticky fingers get a hold of them before I get them sent. It also helps to keep all the pieces together. And this time I added a tag (best if it's in the bag with the outfit) in honor of the angels who's lives started me working on this project. You can read their story HERE.

16 week size kimono with ruffles on the bottom, no-sew hat (smallest size), 2 small diapers, Jacob's Ladder blanket pattern- click HERE for more info on embellishing
Close up of a large kimono and bonnet - with crab stitch edge
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