
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Large Diaper Pattern

Large Diaper Pattern
26-30 week size

These diapers finished measure about 7" top to bottom, 1 1/2" at the crotch, and 7 1/2" across the long tabs.

We like to use 1 1/2" (or size 2) safety pins to close the diapers. But if you have a way that might be better that's fine too.

Large Diaper Pattern PDF

1. Print/cut out diaper pattern
2. With fabric folded right sides together, trace pattern onto wrong side of fabric
3. Cut diaper out
4. Sew 1/4" seam around diaper - right sides of fabric should be together
5. Trim off excess fabric
6. Turn diaper inside out so the right sides are out.
7. Iron/Press diaper
8. Top stitch diaper
9. Fold tabs in and safety pin together

For our smaller diaper pattern click HERE

Our pattern is loosely based off of several different patterns:
Skip To My Lou
Doll Diapers
Sizing as compared to Teeny Tears

and also some hand drawn patterns that I'm afraid I cannot link to as they're not anywhere online.
Thank you for your inspiration! Also, special thanks to the volunteers who helped write and test the patterns.

Terms of Use
We ask that our patterns/products made from these patterns not be sold. We create our patterns free of charge because we believe in providing clothes for angel babies free of charge for families who need them.

There are no stipulations on our patterns. Please feel free to use them and share them. We love to be inspired by seeing others work from our patterns and if you are interested in sharing pictures or stories with us email us at

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