
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Crochet Kimono Variations

Made with Caron simply soft yarn - F hook
Large size outfit - typically fits 20-22 week angel babies

Start with the basic Kimono pattern - for ease of writing this pattern these instructions are written for the 20 week size outfits. To size them down isn't hard - but all the numbers of stitches change.

The basic kimonos are a good place if you're just learning these patterns. These variations are simply to add some more decorations to the basic kimonos. These will have more difficult stitches than the basic kimonos which are all sc. You can find the pattern for the basic kimono HERE. This post will be updated with more variations as we figure them out. On this page I will be posting patterns that work for both boy and girl outfits - for all the little girl dress options visit the Kimono Dress Pattern.

SH = 3 stitches in one stitch

Chain 33 - turn

Row 1: sc 4 - SH - sc 6 - SH - sc 8 - SH - sc 6 - SH - sc 4 - ch 1 - turn
Row 2: sc 2 in first stitch - sc across - sc 2 in last stitch - total of stitches = 42 - ch 1 - turn
Row 3: sc 6 - SH - sc 8 - SH - sc 10 - SH - sc 8 - SH - sc 6 - ch 1 - turn
Row 4: sc 2 in first stitch - sc across - sc 2 in last stitch - total of stitches = 52 - ch 1 - turn
Row 5: sc 8 - SH - sc 10 - SH - sc 12 - SH - sc 10 - SH - sc 8 - ch 1 - turn
Row 6: sc 2 in first stitch - sc across - sc 2 in last stitch - total of stitches = 62 - ch 1 - turn
Row 7: sc 10 - SH - sc 12 - SH - sc 14 - SH - sc 12 - SH - sc 10 - ch 1 - turn
Row 8: sc 2 in first stitch - sc across - sc 2 in last stitch - total of stitches = 72 - ch 1 - turn
Row 9: sc 12 - skip 15 - sc 18 - skip 15 - sc 12 - ch 1 - turn

Cable Stitch Kimono
Row 10: sc 2 in first stitch, sc 1, fpdc 1 one row down, sc 2, fpdc 1, sc 2, fpdc 1, sc across the outfit - sc 2 in last stitch - ch 1 - turn.
Row 11: sc across - ch 1 - turn
Row 12: sc 3, fpdc around fpdc two rows below, sc 2, fpdc 1, sc 2, fpdc 1, sc across - ch 1 - turn.

Odd rows - repeat Row 11
Even rows - repeat Row 12

End after row 27 - edge entire outfit. Make sure to leave button holes along the side of the front flap that has the cabling.

For the smaller 18 week size outfits use this Row 12: sc 1, fpdc 1, sc 1, fpdc 1, sc 1, fpdc 1, sc across. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Crochet Kimono Dress

Kimono Dress Crochet Pattern
Made with Caron simply soft yarn - F hook
Large size outfit - typically fits 20-22 week angel babies

This pattern comes from our Crochet Kimono Pattern - if you find you have questions on the general pattern you might check that pattern out. This pattern is mostly just for the different options for the skirts.  If you get stuck or find an error please let me know.

Most of the time time I do plan on the buttons being in the back on these dress kimonos - but if you have the perfect buttons - the kimonos are reversible and they can be cute either way.

Skirts on the 20 week size outfits should end up being about 4 inches from the bottom of the arms to the bottom of the skirts - though a little longer is ok too.

SH = 3 stitches in one stitch - for these outfits they will be sc stitches.

Chain 33 - turn

Row 1: sc 4 - SH - sc 6 - SH - sc 8 - SH - sc 6 - SH - sc 4 - ch 1 - turn
Row 2: sc 2 in first stitch - sc across - sc 2 in last stitch - total of stitches = 42 - ch 1 - turn
Row 3: sc 6 - SH - sc 8 - SH - sc 10 - SH - sc 8 - SH - sc 6 - ch 1 - turn
Row 4: sc 2 in first stitch - sc across - sc 2 in last stitch - total of stitches = 52 - ch 1 - turn
Row 5: sc 8 - SH - sc 10 - SH - sc 12 - SH - sc 10 - SH - sc 8 - ch 1 - turn
Row 6: sc 2 in first stitch - sc across - sc 2 in last stitch - total of stitches = 62 - ch 1 - turn
Row 7: sc 10 - SH - sc 12 - SH - sc 14 - SH - sc 12 - SH - sc 10 - ch 1 - turn
Row 8: sc 2 in first stitch - sc across - sc 2 in last stitch - total of stitches = 72 - ch 1 - turn

For row 9 you only need to pick one option:


Row 9 (plain): sc 12 - skip 15 - ch 1 - sc 18 - skip 15  - ch 1 - sc 12 - ch 1 - turn (this row makes the sleeves) If you want to see this step with lots of pictures click HERE


Row 9 (ruffles): sc 12 - *sl st 1 - 3 hdc in next stitch* - repeat * to * for the length of the sleeve (I usually get 7 ruffles) - to close off the sleeve fold the ruffle section in half and sc through both sides of the sleeve - sc 18  - repeat * to * across the other sleeve - close of sleeve, sc to the end of the row - ch 1 - turn.


Row 9 (ribbons): sc 12 - *ch 2 - skip 1 - hdc 1* - repeat * to * for the length of the sleeve end with a ch 2 and then a sc that will close off the sleeve - you should have 8 holes - to close off the sleeve fold the sleeve section in half and sc through both sides of the sleeve - sc  across the front (15-16 stitches)  - repeat * to * across the other sleeve (8 holes) - close of sleeve, sc to the end of the row - ch 1 - turn. Once you are done crocheting the sleeves you can weave a ribbon in and out of the hdc stitches. I like to use 1/4 inch ribbon - but if your stitches are too small for that size ribbon you can do a dc instead of a hdc. 

 I start my ribbon underneath the arm and thread it up both sides separately then tie it at the top. If you have an even number of holes there should just be one hdc post between the ends of the ribbon at the top.

Skirt options: 

Straight skirt with ruffles at the bottom
Row 10 - 25 - sc across - ch 1 - turn
Row 26 - *sc 2 - sc 2 in next stitch* - repeat * to * all the way across - ch 1 - turn
Row 27 - *sl st 1,  3 hdc in next stitch, skip 1* - repeat * to * all the way across. Edge the rest of the outfit with sc - don't edge the ruffle. You can add button holes along one side or thread a ribbon just under the arms to tie outfit closed.

Bobble skirt
Row 10: *sc 2 - sc 2 in next stitch* - repeat * to * all the way across - ch 1 - turn.
Row 11: *sc 1, tc 1* - repeat * to * across - make sure to end with a sc, even if you have to do 2 sc in a row - ch 1 - turn.
Row 12: sc across - ch 1 - turn.
Row 13: * sc 2, tc 1* - repeat * to * across - make sure to end with a sc, even if you have to do 2 sc in a row. You start with 2 sc stitches to off set the bobbles so they don't end up in lines.  - ch 1 - turn.
Row 14: sc across - ch 1 - turn.
Repeat rows 11-14 until dress is desired length. You can then add a ruffle edge if you want. Edge the rest of the outfit with sc - but not the ruffle edge. You can add button holes along one side or thread a ribbon just under the arms to tie outfit closed.

Shell Skirt
Row 10: *sc 2 - sc 2 in next stitch* - repeat * to * all the way across - ch 1 - turn.
Row 11: *sc 1, sk 1, dc sh (3 dc) in next, sk 1* repeat * to * across - ch 1 - turn
Row 12: sc in the middle stitch of the dc sh on the row below, dc sh in the sc of the row below - repeat all the way across - ch 1 - turn.

If you want a tutorial for the shell skirt click HERE.

Repeat Row 12 till the skirt is desired length. When your row ends with 3 dc just do 2 dc to make a nice edge. For the row after that just sc in the furthest out stitch. Edge the rest of the outfit - but don't edge the ruffle. You can add button holes along one side or thread a ribbon just under the arms to tie outfit closed.

You can do any of these patterns on the smaller (18 weeks) gowns or the larger (26 weeks) gowns simply by doing the same stitches. The number of stitches will be off - but it should still work pretty well.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

And so it begins...

Things are finally coming together for this closet! I have been thinking of starting my own closet for several months now - but a lot of pieces had to be in place before that could start. It has been a couple months of planning, painting, and sharing the idea with several friends who are also angel baby crafters - and now we are finally ready to move forward with this closet!

Here are a few of the things we've had donated to get this closet ready for opening:

40 outfits from Heidi - 10 of each size of each gender

 They look so pretty all hanging up, don't they? I only have a few hangers that are small enough so for now most of them are still in a box - but I do love the look of the hanging gowns.

Blankets - many from Heidi - some from my aunt and a few from other people too

Blanket/bracelet sets all in memory of Chloe Howell. Her mom makes such beautiful headbands to go with the girl's bracelets:

The bracelet sets have one Mom bracelet and a baby bracelet with a matching charm. The little boy sets have a little bow with a matching charm instead of a bracelet.

And I got another donation today of a whole bunch of beautiful crochet work - but I haven't had a chance to photograph it the way it deserves yet, but I'll get better pictures up soon. Thanks Ginger for bringing me all this new stuff today! We had so much fun reorganizing things in the closet and completing sets (outfit, blanket, diapers, hat).

This is what my front room looked like today - isn't it great?

We also sent out our first donation (4 sewn outfits) to a NIMLDTS photographer in Missouri who wants to have outfits to take with her on photo shoots. 

I have to admit - I had no idea how much love went into a project like this. And not just my own love for the project - but the love of so many people who make so many beautiful things for angel babies. There is so much love in my little closet - every time I open it the love kind of spills out. It truly is a beautiful thing and a blessing in my life. I can't even count the number of amazing people I have met through working on this project. You might think that a lot of angel moms (as they are typically called - meaning a mom who has lost a baby at some point) getting together would result in tears. And it does on occasion, but it also results in some of the most amazing sharing and loving and tender mercies I have ever seen.